Sunday, April 19, 2015

My first post.

So, this is my first blog post, ever.  I am a person who found out recently that I have a genetic mutation.  I am Homozygous for the MTHFR A1298C mutation.  That means I have two copies of the mutated gene, one from each parent.   And what that means is that my body does a really crappy job of getting rid of toxins and things that most people get rid of naturally.  I have always known that my body doesn't work like it is supposed to.  I have had a lifetime of health issues because of the mutation, including but not limited to:  Endometriosis, Depression, Anxiety, other undiagnosed Mental Illness, Fatigue (not like oh, I'm tired fatigue, but I'm freaking exhausted all the time fatigue), Thyroid Antibodies (I don't officially have Hashimoto's Disease because my Thyroid isn't destroyed enough to call it that, but I do have the antibodies and the low Thyroid symptoms), G.E.R.D., Gastritis, Food Allergies, Muscle Spasms, Abdominal Pain, Sleep issues, Dizziness, Sun Induced Eczema, Headaches (regular and Migraine), Leaky Gut,  etc.  Fortunately, I am not experiencing all these symptoms right now!  I am a Spoonie.  That's me on the left.

I always thought I wanted to make a blog after I found out all the answers and considered myself to be healthy.  And pass on my information to people who were struggling, to give them answers.  My husband recently convinced me to do it now.  I do feel like I am pretty close to getting it all figured out, but I still really struggle, on a daily basis.  If you are trying to figure out methylation, do yourself a favor and go to the Facebook page called, "Keep it simple methylation" and ask to be added.  Then read the article about the 5 steps.  It blew my mind when I read it.  It explained so many of the things I was not understanding.  Of course there is also for a ton of good information.  Methylating is what regular people do naturally, that gets rid of toxins and turns the the things you eat into nice things like Seratonin and Dopamine, or Norepinephrine.  When your pathways are all blocked with toxins, that conversion doesn't happen correctly, and you end up with a bunch of health issues.  I have also learned a lot and connected with a few excellent people on Instagram.  I gained some confidence, strength, and guts to even talk about all this stuff, just from connecting with folks on Instagram.   And also with some encouragement from my husband.  I guess I used to think I was in this all by myself, and I had to figure it all out on my own.  Now I know it is going to take a village.  Something really important for people with the MTHFR mutation, that is pretty much accross the board, is to stay far away from Folic Acid.  Like don't even look at it!  Seriously, in any form.  Not Folate, but Folic Acid.  Folic Acid is like a manmade version of Folate and it will wreak havoc on you if you have the MTHFR mutation.  I can speak from personal experience, as I was taking a liquid B complex for a year or so, that had Folic Acid in it.  I was horribly depressed the whole time I was taking it!

Here are some of the things I am doing to try to get better.  I eat clean, gluten, grain and dairy-free food. I cook almost everything I eat myself.  I take supplements: Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Probiotics, Sam-e, 5htp, zinc, Niacin, and Magnesium on a daily basis.  I am the person who tried taking an active B complex and for a week, felt amazing!  Then I completely crashed.  Over methylation.  I am still learning about that and how that works.  Now I have my B vitamins separated out into separate pills, which I break down even further, into 1/4 pills.  I am extremely sensitive!  I buy gelatin capsules to separate out my supplements.  I tried Amino  NAC for a little while, and then started getting heartburn and symptoms of Over methylation, so I am giving that a break.  I walk daily, about a half hour.  I am learning to meditate, which has never been easy for me.  I try to do that daily, but it usually ends up being about 4 times a week.  I sometimes do yoga, or just stretching.  I don't put anything on my skin that I wouldn't eat.  I am learning that I can't do everything.  I ask for help.  Ok I guess that's it for now.  Please do remember that I am not a doctor.  These are just my experiences